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Friday, March 30, 2012
People, which showed, the TC just sell satellites
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Modified HTML5 player on YouTube
Do you want to try to watch videos on YouTube without Flash? . Surely you noticed it already in some commercials: Google is testing HTML5 for you secretly. Personally, I do not care for what ' base ' watch, but the new version modified that the original work is not entirely correct.
This is a translation of comments in our native language is Russian. The fact that the drop-down list of crooked random interacted with the user, for skrulom there and did not smell! .
Supported browsers:.
Firefox ( with support for WebM,. You can download it here. ).
Google Chrome (WebM).
Opera ( with support for WebM, load. here. ).
Apple Safari (h. 264, version 4 or later).
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 ( version with support for h. 264. is available here. , A version with support for WebM. is available here. ).
Installed Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, 7 or 8, Google Chrome Frame (. Download Google Chrome Frame. ).
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Off-line interview, part two
here. Some questions were asked and. here.
Sergey. comments.
How much money should be ' Nehru ignorant person ...
300 a month, it's $ 10 a day. $ 10 - 20 is zero sites in Sapa. To have as many. Nichrome does not know. , The easiest to buy them - the market price of such sites 40-60 bucks apiece, t. e. only need 800-1200 to sites 60-100 bucks on a domain, the same amount for hosting, another 100-200 bucks on the runs. Another two or three months on the index and a set of reference weight. But if you do everything yourself, it will be quite cost hosting and domains. But long it will take more.
Valdemarin. comments.
Your relationship to God and religion, you are - a believer?.
If not, how to explain the Holy Fire, which comes to Pascu ( does not dispute this - the fact ).
No, I am an unbeliever in the traditional sense. In the church I do not go, do not sing hymns, pray on the night is not. But in God - the essence of the nature and purpose of the trust. Holy Fire? . I think it is quite logical and simple explanation of this phenomenon, which is covered by a veil of mystery from the top - people like to believe in miracles. The most important thing in the faith - a trust, rather than testing and reliability. Once questioned, then, faith dried up. So no need to check the convergence of the fire. It is enough simply to believe, if you are a believer. And me as a non-believer, you do not have to prove - I do not want to take away your faith.
SEO-vs-WEB. comments.
Dim tell you who you are in the sign of the zodiac, and when was he born? .
I'm Taurus and Dragon. Still, I prefer to stand firmly on the ground, avoiding water and air. And I like to look at the fire.
If you have any questions for me, then you can ask them in the comments to this post.
Clearwire is testing wireless services in Seattle
The company Clearwire Corp. launched in Seattle fixed WiMax- network in test mode, providing users with a small card in the laptop, valued at $ 80, while a WiMax- services in other European and American cities will require a very large modem.
Service costs $ 60 a month, and download speeds of 1. 5 Mbit / s with unlimited traffic volume. With such price and speed parameters of the new service will be real competition for cellular operators offering similar services ( $ 60 - monthly fee, download speeds 600 kbit / s - 1.4 Mbit / s).
The company plans to deploy a network based on mobile WiMax. Currently, fixed WiMax- services are available in 16 U.S. states.
Source:. Nag. ru.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
PayPal decided not to allow the transfer of money to Russia
Representatives of the PayPal payment system denied message saying that the people of Russia and Ukraine from September 24 will be able to accept payments on their accounts, according to. CNews.
As stated by PayPal Zhogi Marc (Marc Jaugey), Russia and Ukraine by mistake got into the list of countries whose citizens are allowed to receive payments. In the near future, the payment system has no plans to introduce in these countries, any new services.
Recall that last week on the PayPal site published a table with the new fees on money transfers. In it, Russia and Ukraine were on the list of countries whose residents can accept payments via PayPal. Tariffs were to enter into force on 24 September.
Note that as of this writing,. table. still available on the website of the payment system, and changes in it have been made.
In Russia, the PayPal service earned in 2006. Russians can send money through PayPal, but the possibility of receiving payments remains disabled.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Uranus EMP-CG2: you have not heard of 3G?
Not far off the mass arrival of wireless communications standards a new generation of. And therefore, quite a good stepping stone for the future will be purchasing the phone EMP-CG2 of Uranus. This model is remarkable for several reasons. The most important highlight of the tube is the ability to simultaneously work with both GSM, and with the 3G- standard CDMA, T. e. in addition to the usual slots for the SIM card in the phone, there is another slot for still exotic to the Russian ear R-UIM- card used in a CDMA- networks.
And best of all - it's full support for parallel operation of the phone and in the good old GSM and the new, as yet undeveloped, CDMA. To the extent that the housing unit built in different dynamics, and each is responsible for its own type of network. Another advantage - it is a huge 3-inch (!) TFT- display with a resolution of 240x320, which can now boast of even a typical device, not to mention the phone - competitive. The display also has a ' touch of the ' t. e. Space is provided to call the hot features a slight touch of a finger or stylus to the bottom of the screen. Elegantly and comfortably.
Otherwise, EMP-CG2 - this is a good modern phone, equipped with all basic canons ' phone mode ': 2 megapixel camera with video recording, Bluetooth transmitter, support for memory cards, mp3-player. If you look far ahead, then this model will be a very good choice for you as well as now offering full support for standard next-generation mobile, absolutely not giving up on your GSM. The cost of the device with the ability to purchase in Russia: 9250 rubles.
Even as a child 's mother said, ' it might not rain, we have to take an umbrella. ' And it's true, whenever I get wet through to the skin, when I had no umbrella and it was not possible to hide away from the rain.
Whenever I meet on holiday, the weather deteriorates. Probably, all the time when I personally arranged for a weekend, I only remember once or twice so it was warm, comfortable and dry. Today, again, the rain and colder. And in fact the most important thing is to come and go, as in this abandoned place is great weather. A hundred times so happened.
When we carried out some activities, I always lose something. I excel as he could: he took a minimal amount of things, store things in one place, carried them with him. But every time something does not doschityvalsya. On the other hand, I never lost as my favorite sunglasses and phone. Even in a totally insane they still always come back home with me.
When the asshole takes the throat is always something good happens. I've used that when money is needed so that all just continue to nowhere, you just have to wait - sure someone will call or something nice to happen. I do not understand how it happens, but this was always.
When there is an important call - one for the whole day! . And when the call back, then at least one second 15 minutes is always busy. It just infuriates, but I can not do anything.
Should a problem occur, and everything goes awry. Today came the familiar business stuck with her husband quarreled, the glass smashed in a car. Why is this always good to walk alone, I do not understand!.
So tell me then that his fate do it yourself!.
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Is Your Startup A Cash or Equity Business?
Author: Elad Gil, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Source:. Is Your Startup A Cash or Equity Business?.
There is, generally speaking, two types of ways to create value in business.
( a). Business on the basis of ...
( b). Business based on the ...
Figuring out what kind of business you want to start (or, in hindsight, you started ) all start from the fact whether you should seek the money, what will keep your employees. Fundamental misunderstanding of the form of your business can lead to errors, overwhelming success and potential of the company.
Business -oriented capital.
Getting the money:. Receipt of the ... Normally, you need to invest a large amount of money (usually from external investors and transactions) for the duration of growth of the business before you actually create value and earn money for expansion. I hope your company will work well, and your earnings are sufficient to meet the enterprise economy.
Remuneration of employees:. focus towards small cash bonuses and. You do not want to pay the staff a lot, so you'll keep growing the money. Growing Money dilute equity, which is where there is a long-term cost.
The time horizon:. The average outcome of mergers and acquisitions - is 6.5 years, and most companies take many years to become an open. The cost is usually developed relatively late in life companies.
Examples of companies:. Google, Facebook, Twitter.
Other key features:. These companies typically have a period where they do not shed a lot of money upfront, but rather to reinvest in the growth and business expansion. Business based on the capital could lose money in the first few years before leaving as a money machine that has a unique place in the industry (think Facebook). Similarly, these businesses often have a strong ...
Business -oriented money.
Getting the money:. Emphasis on the ... Income you may expect, could not align business income, but you can pay back the money as a dividend.
Remuneration of employees:. Pay more out of your profits in cash, the capital has only secondary importance, since the cost of capital of these companies is low (r. e. you can not sell the company for many other buyers ).
The time horizon:. Often in these kinds of business start-up phase, creating money quickly (on the order of several months to a year - remember the phrase ...
Examples of companies:. Most small companies social media game. Most of the clones GroupOn.
Other key features:. Often, these businesses have less difficulty to enter less ...
Note, as developing the company can move to the capital of the business to business to money, or vice versa. For example, Microsoft is no longer a big player in the concept of the highest category of their shares, but they sure are paying dividends, and show good profitability. So it is both representative GroupOn business on the basis of money (meaning all the small clones GroupOn, which bring instant profit), which over time makes the cost of capital through the branding, distribution and extension.
Translated for the blog dennydov. blogspot. com.
Alexei Liapidevskii.
Permission is granted to copy this material, indicating a hyperlink to the source:. http://dennydov. blogspot. com /.
In Tokyo, an exhibition of Russian photographers
<!--[if gte mso 9]>Normal. 0. false. false. false. RU. X-NONE. X-NONE. <![endif]-->
According to the Russian Embassy in Japan today in Tokyo, an exhibition of photographs of Russian citizens living in Japan.
As initiators of the project say Julia carpenter and Tatiana Romanova, the idea of the contest came in the vast Russian Internet - Community. Originally photographers send their work to e-mail, and later appeared sponsors, which were Aeroflot, the restaurant ... They have provided competition prizes.
In turn, the Russian Embassy has offered to host the competition live, allowing the second floor along with the grand opening. In addition to Russians living in Japan, participated in the contest and also the embassy staff.
... First place went to Tatyana Baklunovoy and its work, ... Tatiana is studying economics and conducts research in the Japanese Keio University. The second and third place went to Catherine Kolokoltsev, a former model, who lived 10 years in Japan, and engaged in photography.
What will be the next project?
Despite the fact that we still have to run is the first stage of the project, we are slowly starting to think about the following. There are two more or less the idea of working, they are somewhat similar. Parameters and general features of the project:.
No geographic restrictions. Our next project should have the prospect of. Let not the world, but at least Russia.
Minimization of investment. The project should not be lengthy or resource. Period - no more than 1.5 years to enter the return. The number of participants is 100% nuyu employment - within 10ti people.
investment attractiveness. To scale the project - will be needed is investment. Either should be sufficient funds from the first draft, but most likely will still need to find an investor, and for this project must be clear and attractive. So you can tell a short and clear, and almost anyone. Plus, that its financial prospects were also clear and the investor could not believe it.
The use of an unfair advantage. The project is to use something that we have. Some resources, source code, dating, etc. Dr..
Focusing on small and medium business. Successful projects focused on the population, are costly, and big business - high singles. Therefore, focus on small and medium.
The project will be linked to software. Still, we have more people in this savvy and experience has )) is most likely to be a SaaS service.
It should be demanded. To tell anyone and he will say - well, yeah, this is the correct thing.
These are the long frame loom. And we must come up with a scheme withdrawal of Garson ))) In order to reinvest. Who we need for these projects?.
Web developers (one available);.
Developers for the innards (probably Java) ( one available);.
System administrators;.
Prodazhniki (may have);.
Content managers;.
PM on the technical part (is);.
PM on the organizational and commercial part (is);.
Financier (is);.
A lawyer (is);.
Designer ( is).
Consultants by subject area ( find in the process).
Participation of any willing to consider. under the project ...
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
MacBook Air: not the world's thinnest laptop
Laptop MacBook Air, recently introduced, can position itself as the thinnest laptop on the market today, but the most delicate in the history of it can not be considered.
In 2003, Sharp has released a laptop Actius MM10 Muramasa, equipped with a 1GHz Crusoe processor from Transmeta, 256MB of RAM, a 15- gigabyte hard drive and Wi-Fi module. The maximum thickness of the laptop was 14 mm. Battery life - 2.5 hours. All this fun cost 1499 U.S. dollars.
Until then, the record belonged to a laptop Pedion, ill-fated joint undertaking of companies Mitsubishi and Hewlett-Packard, model 1997. The thickness of the Pedion sostavlyala18 mm. The thickness of the MacBook Air is 4 mm at the thinnest point and 19 mm at its thickest, that is certainly a loss. Mitsubishi has produced the laptop Pedion since 1998. However, this device could serve as a specimen of low quality or price. With 64 megabytes of RAM and a 1- gigabyte hard drive price was 6000 dollars. For protection against external mechanical damage to the notebook was made of magnesium alloy. However, shortly after it went on sale, fell to the manufacturer's bumps in the form of numerous user complaints on the failure of one or the other node. As a result, production of laptops under the brand Hewlett-Packard ( as far as we know) did not take place.
Other manufacturers are not even close to the bar, taken today, MacBook Air. Except perhaps that model Sony Vaio X505, was issued in 2004. The minimum thickness of it was 10 mm, minimum length - 20 mm. The body of it was made of carbon fiber. The relevant parameters are the finest of the modern Sony laptop series are 20 and 30 mm.
Despite the fact that the project Pedion quickly and relatively easily rested in peace, his cause lives on and wins. It was a laptop with a 12-inch screen is quite considerable for his time, and nearly full size keyboard. In other words, the length and breadth of it were normal, and the thickness - small. Since this formula has gained popularity.
In the past few years, laptop manufacturers are focusing on creating products with a screen diagonal of 15 inches or more, the new field of battle promises to be a diagonal of 11 and 13 inches - so says Lovere Xavier (Xavier Lauwaert), project manager Vaio. Recently, a laptop with a 13- inch screen the company released Dell, 11 - and 13 -inch models also sported at CES 2008 and the company Sony. This category applies to MacBook Air.
... Optical drives will be in the laptop option. In addition, much work will have chemists engaged in the development of new notebook models, and their task will be to create new body materials such as carbon fiber.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Contender for the title of the budget model: another projector from Christie
More recently, portal MobaylDevays. py had an opportunity to tell readers about interesting and, frankly, just not cheap novelty from Christie's. It was about the model HD405. The next step is presentation of new items in a different class. Actually, is not yet known how ...
The parameters are as follows: 5,000 ANSI- lumens brightness, 8-bit image processing, the resolution of XGA, 1000:1 contrast ratio and a set of inputs. Here, DVI, 5xBNC, VGA, and the interface S-Video, composite and a couple of inputs. In addition, a set of options, the model provides a choice of standard lenses, or any other instances of the company, taking into account future conditions of the projector. In addition, an obvious and important advantage - device weighs only 8 pounds, making the projector is extremely compact and easy to carry.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Microsoft has invented a system of wireless surveillance
Microsoft has filed a patent application on the system of surveillance of employees, writes British newspaper The Times. The system allows to determine the effectiveness of the user, his physical well-being and competence.
The system consists of wireless sensors that measure heart rate employees, body temperature, watching their movements, facial expressions and blood pressure. The proposal also says that the sensors can be removed from the employee electromyogram and catch ' brain signals ' (brain signals). If the employee is experiencing stress, the system will prompt him to help.
Previously, such monitoring took place only aircraft pilots, astronauts and employees of fire departments. As the newspaper writes, Microsoft became the first company to offer this experience to apply the usual workplace.
Trade union representatives have expressed concern that the new invention will dismiss employees on the basis of collected sensor data.
The application was published only 18 months after filing. According to experts on patent law, it can be approved during the year.
news. rin. ru.
Online Creative Zen 32 GB
Creative has started selling long-awaited media player Zen, equipped with 32 GB of internal memory that are allocated to store your multimedia files into different formats.
The device has two. 5- inch color TFT-LCD, SD expansion slot and FM-radio function. The time of the built- in battery unit is limited to 5 hours of video playback and 30 hours in audio playback mode.
Cost Creative Zen 32 GB of memory is $ 349. 99. For comparison, the player with 4 GB of memory costs $ 129. 99.
us. creative. com.