Thursday, March 22, 2012


Even as a child 's mother said, ' it might not rain, we have to take an umbrella. ' And it's true, whenever I get wet through to the skin, when I had no umbrella and it was not possible to hide away from the rain.

Whenever I meet on holiday, the weather deteriorates. Probably, all the time when I personally arranged for a weekend, I only remember once or twice so it was warm, comfortable and dry. Today, again, the rain and colder. And in fact the most important thing is to come and go, as in this abandoned place is great weather. A hundred times so happened.

When we carried out some activities, I always lose something. I excel as he could: he took a minimal amount of things, store things in one place, carried them with him. But every time something does not doschityvalsya. On the other hand, I never lost as my favorite sunglasses and phone. Even in a totally insane they still always come back home with me.

When the asshole takes the throat is always something good happens. I've used that when money is needed so that all just continue to nowhere, you just have to wait - sure someone will call or something nice to happen. I do not understand how it happens, but this was always.

When there is an important call - one for the whole day! . And when the call back, then at least one second 15 minutes is always busy. It just infuriates, but I can not do anything.

Should a problem occur, and everything goes awry. Today came the familiar business stuck with her husband quarreled, the glass smashed in a car. Why is this always good to walk alone, I do not understand!.

So tell me then that his fate do it yourself!.

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