I continue to publish its own regulations. This manual for internal use and is designed for executives.
Manager, in spite of his responsibilities is still a man and therefore his peculiar problems such as fatigue, depression and aggression. They can not be avoided, but can be prevented.
Manager goes through several stages in his career. If we consider him as an employee, it is.
a. The accumulation of its customer base (in fact, bind to their customers as the manager ) - 1-2 months.
2. Routine work for the establishment of ...
3. Working with a fixed base.
In the first stage manager is forced to operate in extreme loads: 60-100 calls per day, or about the same number of sent faxes and emails. In the second, this load is reduced to 20-30 routine calls: the manager already has an array of clients in the 20-30 and 5-10 orders at a time, which also require some attention. In the third stage the manager has a strong loyal customer base, which gives maximum attention and by translating this base in a regular regime of ...
As a person who is manager of another is not always coincident in time with the previous escorting:.
a. Enthusiasm - the first - second week.
2. Depression - the third - fourth week.
3. Breaking stereotypes and the development of his style - with a fifth week at the end of the second month.
4. Work in the selected style - very long period without measurable.
5. The flexible style of behavior - some six months later, some - never.
Of course, time is averaged and depend on the individual capabilities of managers.
In terms of the following stages:.
a. Learning theory and basic knowledge of sales specialty - the first month.
2. Education specialty parts - six months.
3. The ability to innovate - who as there is no clear timeline.
The most important for the head of sales the first stage in all the classifications. It falls on the first or second month of operation manager. It was during this period, the manager is not able to bring a significant income as a company and a. T. e. this period can be designated as investment officer, as expected from a naive and criminal income.
Here are the investment in staff at the initial stage:.
- Allocation of the workplace, telephone, Internet access.
- Access to unique information, customer base, technology.
- Education, the cost of professional time.
- Material costs: designs, business cards, travel expenses, etc. n.
T. e. loss of staff at the first stage can lead to significant losses in the business. How can this be avoided?.
Watch for his new employee, day and night. Let him know that he can always count on your support and approval. Counsel to even the smallest matters - in the future, if the employee is standing, he had to learn to ask questions and be your guide answers, not to speak to you. If you see that the employee misses Stump with his work, calculations, any other activity. Remember that when it stops or freezes, it has a question arises, what he was doing. Eliminate the possibility of such a question in the first months, and the result will not take long. Most new employees inability to distinguish a set of independent productions. Do it for him. But do not forget every time you give the job to show how you generated it, and later he would generate such a pattern in your job.
It would be naive to expect the first month of the manager's orders, but the company always has its own supply of warm contacts from incoming calls to the ever-growing base of loyal customers. Transfer to the introduction of a new manager is one of those orders, or customers, but just indicate that his work is exactly two -thirds - in fact resulted in the client is not he!.
In agreement with the more experienced managers attach them newcomers. On the experience of elders novices learn to speak and to attract customers to operate with price list and do the calculations. This is extremely useful, albeit one-sided experiences. After a period of mentoring is sure to be a period of professional growth, when the manager will be to turn out your style. Therefore, during the mentor training should not make too long - the imposition of unusual mannerisms sales novice can break it. It would be stupid to copy the style of his friend, so long will not be able to develop their. Do the installation: learn, repeat, but look my way!.
Do not load a large amount of beginner specialized information. Remember that the key for the agent - to sell, but do not know. Marketing manager himself confronted with the need to know more. It was then necessary to conduct classes on specialized knowledge. If you bring down the shaft to the manager obscure the information, he or run it past the ears, or so loaded, that would be almost useless in terms of sales. The best learning algorithm: sales, price lists, and basic knowledge of only one and a half or two months - in-depth knowledge of the fact that the firm sells. The question may arise: how can a person will sell without knowing what he sells. The answer is simple: it has a price, it has a more experienced colleagues, he has a specialist. He is not alone in the field, the company will make sure that the only problem was the installation manager, positive relationship with the client.
positive. Look for managers. In all the classic books on sales refers to the global role of smiles in the negotiations with the client. However, the smile should always be present: a call is made, a break for lunch and conversation with a client or colleague. Straight back, big smile, laugh. If instead you see a gloomy, worried manager, it means that something is wrong. Understand and take immediate action - it is quite possible that this period of depression, and maybe the problems within the family. Explain that family problems should stay above the threshold, laugh or joke funny event in the life. Provide training for laughter to stand up and publicly, with the team laughing - when the result ( up and do not really strained laugh ) deprive a person of constraint and set it on a positive wave. Even in conversations with the client should always present a note of informality, easy joke - it allows you to establish an informal contact, which is much more formal contractual relationship.
Possession of price list. Mastering the practice of free circulation, with the price does not require deep knowledge of manufacturing processes. Important points: that is sold, and several key nuances, exclusivity deals. All this is in the basic commercial offerings. Brainstorm with managers of all the main firms proposals. Make a list of the key proposals. Develop an algorithm behavior in case of failure on the key sentence, for example: ...
We do not sell, we help to buy. Manager should not become in opposition to the client. Do not impose product. It is better to help choose the best product. This manager should be replete with questions: ... n. The more accurate the manager understands the customer, the more extensive its offer, the more it can sell, the more effective its work, both for the firm and the client. Even if the sale is less than the original estimate, but the client will be satisfied and will make a new order is for the manager - it will be to distinguish between the total mass of offering similar services.
dumping. At the initial stage of the manager can go on about the customer and ask for discounts unmotivated. This is understandable - you want to get some sort of result. But the price and so vymeryan way to generate optimal results with minimal client. It is hard to stop attempts unmotivated dumping. If dumping is justified, it should be done about the situation. Should not be given a discount on first order with a promise to the regular order. Only on the second order, the first is on the price-list price. Dumping anything other than moral satisfaction does not work - this should be remembered always and everywhere.
discipline. In the first two months should monitor compliance with the schedule and performance targets. Otherwise, it is easy to miss a period snikaniya and Drop Manager. If possible, require discipline from all managers. It gives novices to understand that the law is the same for all.
Do not expose the executives to communicate with technical experts: designer, programmer, installer, etc. Dr.. Their speech is full of confusing terminology, and presentation of information is often accompanied by aplomb. Each technician feels in comparison with the manager of a guru in his field. Let the techies to understand that his job - to do the job and the manager - that his task to communicate with the client. Putting the same problem techies need a specialist - an intermediary rather understanding how the technology of the production process and the possible formulation of technical specifications from the client.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Advertising agent ( sales manager ) as a person
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